Wan's WorldFriday, 17 Jan 2025
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THE KINGDOM OF THAILAND     I’ll bet you never knew this!!!         In the original native culture of Thailand, when males reached the age of 18 they had to participate in the following community ceremony:- They lay themselves stark naked in a large circle, feet facing inward.  A...
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Bagpiper at a funeral

  I found this anonymous article deeply moving — I hope you do, too.       As a bagpiper, I play many gigs.  Recently I was asked by a Funeral director to play at a graveside service for a homeless Man.  He had no...

CPR For Chickens- HILARIOUS!!!

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HOW MOSES GOT THE 10 COMMANDMENTS   God went to the Arabs and said, ‘I have Commandments for you that will make your lives better.’ The Arabs asked, ‘What are Commandments?’ And the Lord said, ‘They are rules for...

9 Things That Will Disappear In Our Lifetime

9 Things That Will Disappear In Our Lifetime Whether these changes are good or bad depends in part on how we adapt to them. But, ready or not, here they come. 1. The Post Office Get ready to imagine a world without the post office. They are so...


Naag Dev [Snake] Found in Bangalore

The Queen of England

Public Service Announcements

Only in Australia will you see this…..

Dogs attacks Croc!



China’s New Little Car

An incredible story of luck