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Grizzly Attack

- 3 May 2013, 07:05

Woman Stops Grizzly Attack With 25 Calibre Pistol

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Woman Stops Grizzly Attack With 25 Cal Pistol


This is a story of self control and marksmanship with an itsy bitsy shooter by a woman against a fierce predator.

What is the smallest caliber you trust to protect yourself?


The Beretta Jetfire:

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While out hiking in Alberta’s back country with my husband we were surprised by a huge grizzly bear charging at us from out of nowhere. She must have been protecting her cubs because she was extremely aggressive.


If I had not had my little Beretta Jetfire with me I would not be here today!


Just one shot to my husband’s knee cap was all it took.


The bear got him and I was able to escape by just walking away at a brisk pace.

It’s one of the best pistols in my collection.

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