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“guetapens” = Spelling

- 30 May 2012, 01:05

1925 gladiolus

1926 cerise

1927 luxuriance

1928 albumen

1929 asceticism

1930 fracas

1931 foulard

1932 knack

1933 torsion

1934 deteriorating

1935 intelligible

1936 interning

1937 promiscuous

1938 sanitarium

1939 canonical

1940 therapy

1941 initials

1942 sacrilegious

1946 semaphore

1947 chlorophyll

1948 psychiatry

1949 dulcimer

1950 meticulosity

1951 insouciant

1952 vignette

1953 soubrette

1954 transept

1955 crustaceology

1956 condominium

1957 schappe

1958 syllepsis

1959 catamaran

1960 eudaemonic

1961 smaragdine

1962 esquamulose

1963 equipage

1964 sycophant

1965 eczema

1966 ratoon

1967 Chihuahua

1968 abalone

1969 interlocutory

1970 croissant

1971 shalloon

1972 macerate

1973 vouchsafe

1974 hydrophyte

1975 incisor

1976 narcolepsy

1977 cambist

1978 deification

1979 maculature

1980 elucubrate

1981 sarcophagus

1982 psoriasis

1983 Purim

1984 luge

1985 milieu

1986 odontalgia

1987 staphylococci

1988 elegiacal

1989 spoliator

1990 fibranne

1991 antipyretic

1992 lyceum

1993 kamikaze

1994 antediluvian

1995 xanthosis

1996 vivisepulture

1997 euonym

1998 chiaroscurist

1999 logorrhea

2000 demarche

2001 succedaneum

2002 prospicience

2003 pococurante

2004 autochthonous

2005 appoggiatura

2006 Ursprache

2007 serrefine

2008 guerdon

2009 Laodicean

2010 stromuhr

2011 cymotrichous

2012 guetapens


And if you got all of those right – Welcome to the Spelling Bee Winners of all time.

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