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Blog Topics
23 May 2012, 11:05:58
Public Cell Phone Solution
After a very busy day, a commuter settled down in her seat and closed her eyes as the train departed Detroit for Chicago. As the train rolled out of the station, the guy sitting next to her pulled out his cell phone and started talking in a loud...
23 May 2012, 09:05:16
Wrong email address
A Scottish couple decided to go to Spain to thaw out during a particularly icy winter. They planned to stay at the same hotel where they spent their honeymoon 20 years earlier. Because of hectic schedules, it was difficult to ...
23 May 2012, 08:05:34
A Redneck went to the hospital as his wife was having a baby. Upon arriving he sits down, and the nurse says, “Congratulations, your wife has had quins, 5 big baby boys.” The Redneck says, “I’m not surprised, I have a...
23 May 2012, 08:05:24
An 86-year-old very wealthy man went to his doctor for his quarterly check-up… The doctor asked him how he was feeling, and the 86-year-old said , ‘Things are great and I’ve never felt better.’ I now have a ...
23 May 2012, 08:05:52
Idiot Sightings
Idiot sighting I handed the teller @ my bank a withdrawal slip for $400.00 I said “May I have large bills, please” She looked at me and said “I’m sorry sir, all the bills are the same size.” When I got up off the floor I explained it to...