Wan's WorldFriday, 17 Jan 2025
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New Pope

The Pope & The Rabbi Every time a new Pope is elected, there are many rituals in accordance with tradition, but, there is one tradition that very few people know about. Shortly after a new Pope is enthroned, the Chief Rabbi of Rome seeks an audience. He is shown into the Pope’s...
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CARDIOLOGIST FUNERAL   This                  would be an acceptable reason to laugh at a funeral…   A                  very prestigious cardiologist died, and was given a...

Murphy’s other 15 Laws!

1. Light travels faster than sound. This is why some people appear bright until you hear them speak. 2. A fine is a tax for doing wrong. A tax is a fine for doing well. 3. He, who laughs last, thinks slowest. 4. A day without sunshine is like,...


” Tact” A man and a woman were having a quiet,  romantic dinner in a fine restaurant. They were gazing lovingly at each other and holding hands. The waitress, taking another order at a table a few steps away, suddenly noticed the man...


Four friends, who hadn’t seen each other in 30 years,  reunited at a party… After several drinks, one of the men had to use the  rest room. Those who remained talked about their kids. The first guy said, ‘My son is my pride and...

Very Thought provoking sayings !



Naag Dev [Snake] Found in Bangalore

The Queen of England

Public Service Announcements

Only in Australia will you see this…..

Dogs attacks Croc!



China’s New Little Car

An incredible story of luck